Interesting Quote...Do you agree with it?
"Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony."
— Douglas Coupland (Shampoo Planet)
*~*Today is a rare day for the Phoenix area...clouds, rain, and humidity, which don't quite fit "the valley of the sun" saying, but for most Arizonians this is a good thing! In spite of that, it is Thursday! Big party night for the Scottsdale area, one day away from FRIDAY, and a little over a week away from the 4th of July holiday weekend...YAHOO! Vacation time for most!*~*
Things to do tonight...
- A dive bar, Giligins, located in downtown Scottsdale has a casual atmosphere along with a famous bartender called Chuey the Rock and Roll midget. Chuey the midget also does karaoke on Thursdays for all to enjoy. Catch a drink during happy hour from 4-7 PM with $2 well cocktails, wine by the glass, and beer.
- Looking for a happening place with good drinks and sushi? Check out Stingray Sushi for a hip and fun atmosphere. Great specials during happy hour featuring a fishbowl-sized Godzilla for $8 a person.
- Ladies night at Axis/Radius with two-clubs in one. No line or cover for ladies and women pay only $3 for drinks. There are different promotions, DJS, and giveaways every week.
- Heres something new, Game Tight Thursday's at JJ's Sports Cantina in downtown, Scottsdale. The event starts tonight at 9 and runs until the bar shuts down at 2 AM. The event costs $10. Join Trill Talk radio host for an open mike hip-hop and dance night. Prizes will be given away. Bring out your inner rap star this evening!
So the new IPhone? Is it all about the name? Does it really live up to its reputation? I have an older model of the Iphone, probably the first model that came out and so today I went into an AT&T store to find out more about the new IPhone 3G S. I ended up going into a store that didn't carry it, but I learned that you cannot actually send pictures or videos quite yet and that the phone was released before this component was ready and capable... seems kind of odd. I guess that feature will be available come August-ish, but will it cost money to upgrade, take time to upgrade, etc...who knows? I ended up going with the Samsung Eternity which cost me half the price and sends videos, pictures, texts both ways, can do live video, has actual TV stations such as MTV, Nickelodeon, MSNBC, ETC, and a whole lot more! A really great deal and I got a good price at a location in North Scottsdale by Northsight and Raintree area. Check it out!