*~*Happy Hump Day Wednesday!*~*
Well, the day is almost over and I am busy cooking dinner and relaxing like everyone else. I am resting up for another day of organizing, running errands, writing, and working. Ugh, I don't even want to think about tomorrow yet! I am trying to avoid the heat as much as possible while hoping that temperatures start to drop sooner than later. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for the fall! I love coming home from work and watching my weekly televisions shows while eating dinner with the windows open and the cool breeze coming into my home. I also enjoy going for an early morning jog, or a run after work, and then sitting in the hot tub while having a drink or two. Attending a happy hour on a comfortable patio is never a bad idea either! Hotels are wonderful spots for happy hour and Hotel Indigo Scottsdale’s Divine Lounge offers a great view of Old Town Scottsdale. It is also walking distance to all of the nightlife in Downtown Scottsdale-bar hop and walk home without a worry!
Visitors and Residents...If you want a free updated map of Downtown Scottsdale which lists businesses, addresses, phone numbers, and an easy-to-use map showing trolley routes and public parking then call 480-312-7750 for locations. This directory also has a calendar of events and a dining guide. It is very handy and available in various locations including local resorts and the Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau. There is a lot to see and do, a map can surely come in handy!
If you’re going to be in town on October 4th then be sure to check out an exclusive culinary event at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. Join the “Dine out with the Chefs,” for an evening of delicious food. Advance tickets are $55 and can be bought at http://www.scottsdaleperformingarts.org/. The attendance is limited and tickets at the door are $65. Plan ahead!
Are you an aspiring artist without a connection to the Scottsdale galleries? Then join this year’s 42” sidewalk event where artists can show and sell their work. Space is limited and applications can be found at http://www.artisanmarketsaz.com/
The movies 17 Again and I Love You Man just came out for rent this week. They were both hysterical and should definitely be on your movie queue. In addition, I saw Funny People this weekend and it was everything and more. It was hilarious and worth seeing if you liked The Hangover, Knocked Up, and any movie in that genre.
Valley Residents…Cox Cable has a fantastic deal on bundle packages. Get internet-12 meg, all 300 hundred channels, DVR, and two boxes for $135.00 with tax. I called today to find out about the deal and they don’t know how long it is running for, so call ASAP. It is called the entertainment package and they claim it’s better than all the other companies in the valley.