*~*Hump day Wednesday! Fortunately, we are halfway through the week and it is time to start thinking about the weekend. Ten to one you have already been thinking about it since Monday, but it is almost here! Make it a great holiday weekend...Passover and Easter are both coming our way. Relax, revive, and spend time with the ones you love.*~*
**Do not miss the hotels first ever Brazilian Love Affair night Friday! This is a new bi-weekly event held the 2nd and 4th Fridays from 7:30 – 10:30 PM! Try the Brazilian’s favorite drink Caipirinhas and listen to music by great musicians! Also enjoy fashion, art, and other various drink specials.**
~Spring has sprung here in the valley and summer is surely on its way. If the temperature and the sunny skies are not enough indication then the amount of skin, short skirts, cleavage tank tops, and daisy dukes might also give it away. The city of Scottsdale, well actually the majority of Phoenix, defines "skanky" attire much differently than other locations. In Phoenix we can get away with short shorts or a mini-skirt because the weather gets so hot that you cannot possibly wear much of anything, a plus for the single men.
- Advice for visitors…If you are traveling to Scottsdale for spring break or for the up and coming holidays, then be sure to pull out the retired daisy dukes and bring them along, because here showing skin is more of a trend than a turn off! I mean this is a city with nightlife full of animals; cougars, jaguars, and trouts are probably the most prominent.
Another thing… if you are traveling to Scottsdale do not expect the mall, movies, or restaurants to be empty during the "work" week because hell, I am not quite sure when and how often people work in this city. I go to get a manicure on say, a Monday at 1 PM, and the place is full...go figure! Inquiring on the subject I get the response "I work from home," a lot.
I hope you enjoy my tidbits full of comic relief and nothing meant to offend anyone! All cities have their own set of jokes!