"It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not."
— AndrĂ© Gide

- Party at the Coach house's 50th Anniversary Celebration! This is one of the few long-term surviving bars in Scottsdale and there will be music, food, and a big party! The party starts at 2 PM today and runs through Sunday evening. Coach House will be featuring music from Hans Olsen, Ronnie Glover, Don Paddock, and Rocket 88s. The bar is open from 6 AM to 2 AM, yes that is 6 AM, for the early bird drinkers. This is not one of your typical prim and proper Scottsdale bars...It is more of a dive/neighborhood bar that serves the old fashion stuff, like beers and well drinks!
❖Guitarist Hans Olsen, 4 PM Friday with free food provided by Tee Pee Mexican Restaurant
❖Ronnie Glover and Don Paddock at 1 PM
❖Slave to the Groove, 4 PM
❖Food catered
❖The Rocket 88s, 2 PM
❖Guitarist Hans Olsen, 4 PM Friday with free food provided by Tee Pee Mexican Restaurant
❖Ronnie Glover and Don Paddock at 1 PM
❖Slave to the Groove, 4 PM
❖Food catered
❖The Rocket 88s, 2 PM
- Join us in the Divine Lounge for $3 domestics and $4 well cocktails before hitting the Scottsdale nightlife!
- Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts presents, Girls Night: The Musical. The show runs Friday and Saturday nights at 8 PM until May 3, Sundays and Saturdays at 2 PM, and various other times throughout the week. Enjoy a play about five girlfriends who re-live the past. Talk about a perfect girls night! http://www.scottsdaleperformingarts.org/
- Mondrian Scottsdale Hotel is hosting their first big pool party of the year. It starts at 12 PM and is $15 for the ladies and $20 for the guys. Several DJs are performing and VIP beds and cabana packages are available. This is a 21 plus event! http://www.vt-dj.com/h2o-pool-party-series-mondrian-hotel-%28scottsdale%2C-az%29
- James Morrison performs at Martini Ranch in Old Town at 7 PM for $23. He has a great sound and is one of my favorite musicians. His new song Broken Strings can be heard on his webpage, http://www.jamesmorrisonmusic.com/. The song is FANTASTIC, at least in my opinion...I know music tastes can differ like politics ☺ His other well known songs are, You Give Me Something and Wonderful World.
- Are you single and looking for something to do this weekend? Participate in Unstrung Rackets Open Tennis at Scottsdale Ranch Park. This is a social mixed doubles event. Sign-ups and warm-up begins at 6 PM Sunday!